Friday, July 12, 2019


When the teacher fails to imbue the value of knowledge passed, perhaps it is time for the teacher to leave.

How does one prep for a heartbreak in 7 months? May Allah grant strength that we fail not to see His Rahmah.

The pain debilitates. The next step starts to drag. Please Almighty to I weep. Grant me mercy in this last journey to be with the souls I seek. To last forever to Jannah, in love, to be showered eternally the Rahmah I plead. The best of this world and the next is my prayer for you indeed.

Friday, July 5, 2019


Fast forward it is now June 24th 2019.

Indeed time waits for no man.

Cliched as it may sound so many things had happened since the last entry.

Once only heard of others, it was fated then it was my turn to have the taste of more slings and arrows of life.  Only this time I was fortunate to have turned to the Almighty.

Physical imprisonment is nowhere near that of mental imprisonment.

Break free of the latter and you will find what you seek.